actions of play, manipulation of patterns, embattled truth and lies, naïve materials
Friday, November 11, 2005
budgie budge badge madge mudgee mud gee gee mud
my budgerigar Evan died. so we buried her in the garden. safe to say that no Preston Project style excavations will be taking exchange overseas is becoming increasingly complicated. i've narrowed it down to gerrit rietvald academy, haagse hogeschool, utrecht school of the arts, all of which rmit has exchanges with, and tu/e eindhoven and my favourite, design academy eindhoven,which is probably bloody hard to get into and which rmit doesn't seem to have exchanges with. so as you can see,i haven't narrowed it down that much.
You should go for Design Academy Eindhoven, it can't be too hard to get into(it's not like they're asking for applicants to cut off a pinky...or are they?) and if rmit doesn't have an exchage programme with it, consider that a bonus, Obviously it isn't a bottom feeder disguised as a uni (like A.C.U or Victoria University, oh I sound like a university snob, oh well) Sorry about your budgie. Blue ones are pretty.
You should go for Design Academy Eindhoven, it can't be too hard to get into(it's not like they're asking for applicants to cut off a pinky...or are they?) and if rmit doesn't have an exchage programme with it, consider that a bonus, Obviously it isn't a bottom feeder disguised as a uni (like A.C.U or Victoria University, oh I sound like a university snob, oh well)
Sorry about your budgie. Blue ones are pretty.
Sorry to hear about your budgie mate. Afterall, pets deserve to live more than humans.
thanks guys.
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